The following lists are all the kinks/trigger warnings in each book. Please review this page carefully before you purchase a book. Remember, stories are works of fiction. The author does not support all of these tropes in real life. Please explore your kinks, boundaries and fetishes safely.
KEY INFO: Any novel which is labelled as 'dubious consent' still has consent. Please be aware that rape is not a trope in my novels. Reluctance is a kink and this is something which is explored quite heavily but there will always be consent, in some capacity. If this is uncomfortable to you, please stay away from novels marked as dub con. Thank you!

- Org denial
- Boss romance
- bisexual FMC
- lesbian sex
- Stalker romance
- dub con
- forced org
- Spanking
- breath play
- primal play
- restraints
- clear consent
- voyeurism / exhibitionism
- degradation
- blood play
- worship